The Puppy Coat
Bergamasco puppies are born with a short, soft, and wavy coat that is quite different from their adult coat. As the puppy grows, its coat will gradually change in texture and length, eventually becoming the unique, flocked coat that is characteristic of the breed.
The young puppy coat requires very little maintenance. The coat should be kept free from debris and dirt as with any dog, puppies should be regularly brushed (weekly) with a pin brush suitable for puppy coats.

It is important to note that although puppies require minimal maintenance, they will still require regular grooming. Every effort should be made to be hands on, over the coat, paws, teeth and ears. Getting them used to grooming tools, tables, smells and noises ensures you don't end up with an eight month old, large dog that protests at sudden hands on grooming. A gentle and consistent introduction to grooming help you have a Bergamasco that enjoys grooming times. Grooming can also help you bond with your puppy and can be done whilst snuggling up together on the sofa.
At around six to eight months of age, the Bergamasco puppy coat begins to shed, and the adult coat starts to grow in. During this period, the puppy coat may become more curly, appear more wavy and the first change in texture may be noticed along with the appearance of white hairs (known as goats hair).
It is vital to pay attention to the coat at this stage especially behind the ears, the end of ears, around the chin and muzzle and genital area. Avoid the coat going into large felted areas by breaking the coat up by hand to ensure proper flock development. The main body of the coat can be softly brushed during this stage but not so much as to prevent coat development.