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Showing your dog abroad - Mac's experience in Ireland

Bergamasco UK

Recently Mac the Bergamasco took a trip to Ireland where he won his first Green Star. We asked Gareth (Mac's human) how he found the whole experience.

Back in July, Mac took his human, Gareth to the Newtownards & District Canine Club National Show. This was the first time Mac had been shown outside of Great Britain and Kennel Club regulations. We asked Gareth about his experience.

Firstly, How did Mac get on?

Mac was brilliant and the judge recognised this with some really wonderful comments about his standard and how he matched up against other Bergamascos he has judged all over Europe. This included a Bergamasco he awarded a Group 1 placing to in Italy! I walked away feeling a million dollars with feedback like that. Mac won his first Green Star and went on to perform in the Group competition against the other Best of Breed winners.

Green Stars are certificates won at Championship Shows held under the rules of the Irish Kennel Club Limited and go towards the title of Champion.

How was you experience competing in Group?

Mac and have yet to compete in group at a championship show in the UK but have done so on numerous occasions at Open shows, however, for some reason because of the breed specific judging I really felt I had much more of a chance in Ireland and it seemed to be a much more level playing field.

I was beside the winner of our group (Bouvier des Flandres) and she was so lovely and made such an effort with me and Mac chatting to us the whole way through. Another small difference I noticed was all the group judging will not start until the class judging has competed for every group. This doesn’t leave a lot of time so our group (1) did a pre judging in another ring before going into the BIS ring where the judges shortlist was announced in front of everyone. It was a little hectic at times including a rain delay and 15 dogs hiding under a big tent which was certainly interesting!

Were there any differences between showing in the UK and showing in Ireland?

The main difference from the UK is we got to compete and be judged in our own breed class, as a Bergamasco, and not against numerous other breeds as is the case of the UK's Import Register. This was amazing and so refreshing for me. The judge was brought in from Europe (Holland) and had a lot of experience with Bergamascos.

Unlike the UK, when you show your dog the judge will firstly award your dog with a grading. The grading reflects how close your dog is to breed standard and whether it has any faults. Mac got an "excellent" grade, the best you can get on a piece of paper with the following text - “whose merits in structure and confirmation are such that it can be considered an excellent specimen of the breed and of champion quality”.

It was really incredible to get that level of recognition immediately after his first run around the ring and for Mac to be awarded this at his first show was really an amazing feeling.

More detailed information on the awards structure can be found here:

Will you be going to Ireland to show Mac again?

Absolutely! The ultimate goal is to try and achieve Irish championship status so we need to get a move on :)



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