The Adult Coat
2 years +
Once the adjustment period is over your dog will finally start to look like a Bergamasco!
The adult Bergamasco coat requires minimal care except for ensuring that the flocks remain separated. If the flocks are too wide, they can be divided further as needed. It is important to ensure that skin is visible around each well-separated flock at this point. The flocks will have feathering on the bottom of each rounded end, and goat hairs will be visible throughout the coat. It is worth noting that black-coated dogs generally have softer coats and less goat hair than grey (merle) dogs.
The adult coat may be bathed when required but is rare they need a full bath. The main body of the coat does not need to be regularly bathed as it is contains natural oils that protect it and keep it dirt free. Areas that become urine stained or soiled, muddy legs, dirty faces and beards should be washed to maintain hygiene. A full bath can, however, be given when when completely necessary. Some Bergamasco's enjoy the mud!

After bathing, attention should be given to get as much water out of the coat as possible to avoid a damp coat producing mildew inside the flocks. The coat should be towel dried and allowed to air dry naturally, or can be dried with a floor fan. Blaster driers should be avoided as this can damage the hair and also the hair may appear dry on the outside but is not necessarily dry inside the flocks.
Eyes should be kept free of sleep by gently wiping with damp cotton wool. It is worth noting that the area around the eyes never needs trimming on a Bergamasco as they have long eye lashes that protect their eyes.
Pads should continue to be kept clear of hair and checked regularly for debris and seeds especially after walks.
The coat does not easily suck in the rain, which can usually be dried off with a towel. It is more problematic that the coat is like Velcro to any seed heads or twigs, which will need removing after a walk. They do, however, manage to bring big muddy footprints into the house and like nothing more than having a good bear rub on the walls.